Can Moonstone Go in Water? (Answered)

Moonstone, a popular and eye-catching gemstone, has long been admired for its distinctive shimmer and enchanting play of colors. Known for its spiritual associations and healing properties, this captivating stone is used in various forms of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

As the popularity of moonstone increases, wearers may wonder whether moonstone can be safely submerged in water.

Yes, the moonstone can go in the water. Moonstones are relatively soft gems, ranking 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. However, before immersing your moonstone jewelry in water, it is essential to know the stone’s specific makeup and vulnerabilities.

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Can Moonstone Go in Water?

Yes, the moonstone can go in the water. Moonstones are relatively soft gems, ranking 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. However, before immersing your moonstone jewelry in water, it is essential to know the stone’s specific makeup and vulnerabilities.

This knowledge can help prevent accidental damage and preserve the beauty and durability of this exquisite gemstone.

While moonstone is not particularly sensitive to water, it is generally not recommended to submerge it in water for extended periods of time. This is because prolonged exposure to water can cause the stone to become dull or lose its shine over time.

Can Moonstone Go in Moon Water?

Moonstone is a delicate gemstone composed of feldspar minerals. It is known for its beautiful adularescence or iridescence, which shifts light and color as the stone is viewed from different angles.

This optical phenomenon makes moonstone an attractive choice for those who admire its unique appearance and feel connected to its purported spiritual properties.

While it is generally not suggested to place moonstone in any water for extended periods, some individuals gently cleanse their moonstone with moon water.

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When considering placing moonstone in water, it is important to note that moonstone is a relatively soft and porous gemstone with a Mohs hardness of 6 to 6.5. It can be prone to scratches, chips, and surface damage if not handled carefully. Prolonged exposure to water may weaken the stone and cause it to lose its luster.

If one desires to do this, keeping the moonstone’s contact with water brief and drying the stone immediately after cleansing is essential. This can be a meaningful way to imbue the stone with the cleansing and empowering energy of moon water without damaging it.


Can Moonstone Go in Salt Water?

Moonstone is a relatively soft stone with a hardness of 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, which makes it susceptible to scratches, chipping, and chemical reactions.

Dipping moonstone in salt water for a short amount of time may not cause severe damage. However, prolonged exposure can cause the stone to lose its luster and potentially weaken its structure.

There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Salt can cause abrasion: Salt particles present in the water can create tiny scratches on the surface of the moonstone, diminishing its natural shine and smoothness over time. Too many scratches can lead to a dull appearance, which is not desirable for any gemstone.
  2. Chemical reactions: Salt water contains various minerals and chemicals that may cause reactions with the moonstone. Those reactions could result in discoloration, loss of iridescence, or structural damage.
  3. Other elements in salt water: Natural salt water, especially from the ocean, contains many impurities and elements that could further harm the moonstone. Sand, rocks, and other things in the water can cause additional scratching, while contact with other metals or minerals might trigger new chemical reactions.

Taking care of your moonstone jewelry is essential, especially if you plan to wear it in salt water. To ensure your moonstone remains in good condition, follow these simple guidelines:

  • Avoid wearing moonstone jewelry when swimming in the ocean or taking a dip in saltwater pools.
  • If accidental contact occurs, rinse the moonstone jewelry piece in clean water afterwards to remove any lingering salt particles.
  • Regularly clean your moonstone jewelry with gentle methods, such as wiping with a soft, damp cloth, to help maintain its beauty and luster.
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Can You Shower With a Moonstone?

In general, moonstones can withstand occasional contact with water as they are classified as a 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, indicating a fair degree of hardness. However, frequent exposure to water can eventually weaken the stone’s luster and color, so it’s best to avoid showering with moonstone jewelry whenever possible.

That being said, bear in mind that the occasional splash of water is unlikely to cause significant damage to the gemstone.

Moreover, the type of jewelry the moonstone is set in can significantly impact its durability when exposed to water. For instance, if the moonstone is set with adhesives or delicate materials, water may cause the setting to weaken or even break, potentially resulting in the loss of the stone. In such cases, removing the moonstone jewelry before showering is crucial.

Additionally, the chemicals in products like soap, shampoo, and body wash could harm the moonstone. These substances can deposit residue on the stone surface, dulling its appearance and even causing scratches if not properly cleaned.


How to Cleanse Moonstone?

Cleaning Methods

Moonstone, a beautiful gemstone, requires proper care to maintain its allure. It is essential to cleanse them using gentle methods to preserve their delicate composition. One effective method is to use a soft, damp cloth with a mild soapy solution to wipe the stone gently. Avoid using harsh or abrasive cleaning agents as they might damage the moonstone.

Another cleansing approach is to immerse the moonstone in water overnight. Place the stone in a bowl of water, ideally under the moonlight, to imbue it with positive energy and remove any negativity. However, it’s crucial to make sure the moonstone is not exposed to direct sunlight, as it may cause discoloration.

For spiritual cleansing, you can also use various rituals such as smudging with sage, holding the stone over candlelight, or placing the gem on a bed of salt.

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Appropriate Storage

Proper storage safeguards moonstone from potential damage. Always store them separately from other gemstones to avoid scratches, as moonstones are relatively softer. Use a soft pouch, jewelry box with compartments, or individual cloth wraps to protect each piece.

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Keep moonstones away from heat sources, bright light, and humidity, which can cause damage or fading. Removing moonstone jewelry before participating in activities that might expose them to harmful chemicals or risk physical impact is also advisable.

By following these cleaning methods and appropriate storage practices, you can ensure your moonstone remains vibrant and captivating for years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to submerge Moonstone in water?

Yes, it is generally safe to submerge moonstone in water for a short period. However, it is essential to remember that prolonged exposure to water may harm the stone, particularly if it has been treated or contains inclusions. Always be cautious while cleaning moonstone, and avoid soaking it for long periods.

How does water affect the properties of Moonstone?

Water typically does not have a significant impact on the properties of moonstone. However, its adularescence, the optical phenomenon causing the shimmering effect, might be temporarily less visible when the stone is wet. Once the stone dries, the effect should return to its original appearance.

Can I cleanse or charge Moonstone using water?

Yes, you can cleanse and charge moonstone using water. To cleanse moonstone, you can run it under cool tap water or place it in a bowl of natural water, like from a spring or a stream, for a few minutes. For charging, many people prefer placing moonstone in a bowl of saltwater under the light of the full moon. However, it’s essential to avoid prolonged exposure as that may negatively affect the stone.

Does water exposure impact moonstone’s color or quality?

Water exposure in moderation typically does not impact moonstone’s color or quality. However, if a stone has been dyed or artificially treated, water exposure may cause discoloration or affect its quality. Additionally, moonstones that have many inclusions should be treated with care as water can enter these spaces and potentially weaken the stone.


  • Nancy Grace

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